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November 20, 1981

November 20, 1981

A while ago, I was saying that some people – I would even like you to meditate about this – when they are children, soon find out that, in order not to suffer, they will have to acquire power. So, deep down, every human being wants power; power to be able to Have.

But, above this, it seems that power leads the individual to a certain safety, maybe self-defense. The individual, when feeling powerful, feels shielded, and this seems to confer them safety. They want defense regarding their own life and the individuality they recognize in themselves; they want power.

And then some choose cultural power, because in this way they will feel protected; not by culture itself, but by what culture confers to people. Does culture confer prestige to people? So, they’ll go in search of culture, of that which confers power to them; the power that results from their having culture.

But they also realize something very important: that the power obtained through, in this case, culture, only begins to manifest when they begin to distribute what they acquired – culture; because otherwise they have culture and feel alone. They feel they have power, but the power still doesn’t manifest. It only begins to manifest when they begin to distribute culture. Then they find themselves surrounded by people, gain prestige. Then they realize they exist. With this power, they say, “I am someone,” because others recognize them as someone useful and necessary. And then they acquire this power and say, “I’m a self-realized individual!”

Others seek power through money; they think that culture alone isn’t enough. So, they go in search of money. Eventually they have a lot of money, but don’t feel the power; on the contrary, they are even rejected, are seen as stingy, miserly. They become worried.

One day the experience of Giving happens. That gives power. They begin: they help a family, a neighbor, a friend, and they, with all that money, begin to find out that it is by emptying the jar, it is by giving that they begin to feel the real power. In other words, they begin to feel surrounded by people. Inside, they even know that these people are ready to follow them. By sharing, they are somehow paying to Be, to exist, for others to recognize them as existing. Then they say, “I am self-realized; I have as witnesses all these people who follow me, who seek my advice!”

Some through culture, others through culture and money. Often, to acquire this, they spend their whole lives in search of power. They work, work, work for the money and then by distributing it, they will have. Either studying, or working, they spend 30, 40 years of their lives to achieve this power, to later sit on the throne of power, and then feel realized, admired by others, liked by others, exerting an attraction, even if external.

Here in PRÓ-VIDA, we have something different. People who have been with us for three years, when they stop and take a stand, they soon verify this. The ones who have been with us longer. In only three years they managed to be admired by people not only here, but wherever they may be. It is even a problem: when they speak, they create an intoxicating state! Who doesn’t like to hear them?

They have safety within them, because it’s not the money, not the beautiful clothes, the display of jewelry that creates this power. It’s not the external values, but the internal values. In three years! With a great advantage: they didn’t have to go through the process of experiences, those that discredit man. And without having to cheat, without having to go through that, having a clean life, fully clean, they manage to get everything someone could want. Power!

What more could someone wish for on the face of the Earth than to be admired by their peers, serving as a point of motivation and, even without money, have everything matter confers?

Is it really like that? Of course it is! I can mention one of them. He doesn’t have a beach house, but he receives more than one invitation a day to spend a few days at the house of those that listen to him. He doesn’t have a ranch, but daily receives invitations to go to one. He doesn’t have a luxury car, but there are a lot of people offering him a Mercedes, “Have my car for a day to go for a ride somewhere!” He doesn’t have a boat but he is always getting invited to go sailing. What more can a man wish for on the face of the Earth? Dear to all. Having everything that matter can offer. To have safety within – all this in just three years! And to think that, if you want, it can even be in less than three years. Everything can be in an instant!

I really trust in PRÓ-VIDA’s destiny, an institution as it is, because the fruit harvested until now are prime quality and denote a flavor that only the trees existing here, or this tree, can give in such a short time. If all of you could feel, appreciate, see this, you would already have within you the sensation of safety one has when one is on the right path to the destination, to the purpose one longs for.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the

Hello !

Welcome to the internal Home Page of the PRÓ-VIDA website. In this environment you will find information about our movement, such as the activities calendar, news and content that may be of interest to you.

Where to find the activities?

You will find the activities calendar right at the top of the home page and, to see all the available activities, just click on “See full calendar”.

The activities are organized by language, time zone, modality (in person, online, or remote in-center), and categories:

  • BAS, AV1 and INT weeks
  • Exercises and Training
  • Lectures and Talks
  • Advanced Levels
  • CGD (General Center for the Tithe)
  • Departments

What activities can I participate in?

You will be able to participate in all available activities, according to your level. They are identified in the calendar by a stripe with the color of the level, on the left side of the activity name.

Basic Level

Every Monday, online Basic Level activities are available. They are offered in four languages ​​(Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English) and different time zones.

In addition, starting at the Basic Level, you will be able to participate in all the activities identified with the following colors:

Weeks, lectures and exercises aimed at participants from the Basic Level and up.

Here you can find activities such as Keeping in Touch, celebrations, and ceremonies.

Activities carried out by PRÓ-VIDA Departments, such as lectures, presentations and studies.

Check the calendar for upcoming activities and check their times.

Advanced 1​ Level

Activities for the Advanced 1 Level and up are also available for those who have completed that level

Weeks, lectures, exercises and talks for participants from Advanced 1 Level and up.

Introduction Level

For those at the Introduction Level, also the following activities are available:

Weeks, lectures, exercises, and talks for participants from the Introduction Level and up.

Activity for all PRÓ-VIDA participants, starting at the Introduction Level.

Advanced 2SC Level

From Advanced 2 Level and up, the following activities are also available:

Weeks, lectures, exercises and talks for participants from the Advanced 2SC Level and up.

How to browse the site?

Navigate through the pages and contents of the site by clicking the links on the top golden bar or the “hamburger button” (≡), located in the upper left corner.

In addition to content and articles on various topics, you will be able to access some important areas for your participation in the activities:

Online Activities: It’s the place where you will access the activities that will be transmitted in the online modality.

Participant’s Area: It gathers information about your registration and your level in PRÓ-VIDA.

Need help?

If you need help, or to clarify any questions, contact our support by e-mail:

Modalities of PRÓ-VIDA activities


Presenter in-center

Participants in-center

This is a live activity carried out in one of the PRÓ-VIDA Centers with both the presenter and the enrolled participants attending in-person.

Remote in-center

Remote presenter

Participants in-center

The activity is transmitted live from one of the PRÓ-VIDA studios to several Centers where the participants are attending in-person. It allows the presenter and the participants to interact despite the fact that the presenter is in a remote location. 


Online presenter

Online participants

The activity is transmitted live from one of the PRÓ-VIDA studios and enables interaction between participants and the presenter in a virtual environment.

To learn more about the modalities, talk to a PRÓ-VIDA representative by chat or email (for Brazil residents) or (for residents in other countries).





Semana de Avançado 1


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.





Semana de Introdução


It will be transmitted in the following language ​​and times:


Monday to Friday

at 8:30 p.m.*

Time Zone: (UTC-03:00) Brasilia

*The activity lasts approximately 3 hours.

To find out how to participate, click below.

No registrations will be made on the weekend before the activity, or in the week it takes place.





Semana de Avançado 1


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.





Semana de Básico


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*


às 14h30*


às 10h00*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.

*Para repetição oficial, participantes que estão retornando ou em R.A., em breve mais informações.

Requisitos técnicos indispensáveis

Gostaríamos de informar que, para a participação no Básico on-line, são indispensáveis os seguintes requisitos mínimos:

Computador (Windows/Mac)

Computador com câmera integrada ou conectada por entrada USB.

As atividades não poderão ser assistidas por nenhum outro dispositivo, tais como celulares, smartphones e tablets ou computadores com outros sistemas operacionais.

Especificações e Sistema Operacional

• Processador: Intel Core i3, i5 e i7 – 3100 Series , ou superior.

• Memória RAM: 4GB, ou superior.

• Sistema Operacional:

• Windows 7 com todas as atualizações, ou versão superior (somente 64 bits).

• MacOS 10.15 Catalina, ou versão superior.

Verifique as configurações de seu computador Windows clicando aqui.

Como verificar suas especificações no Mac? Clique aqui.

Fones de ouvido com microfone (headset)

Modelos homologados para uso com nossa plataforma.

Consulte a lista de headsets homologados:


Banda larga com conexão estável, com no mínimo 10MB de download e 4MB de upload.

Como verificar sua banda de internet? Clique aqui para testa-la.

* Os requisitos técnicos poderão ser atualizados. Acompanhe aqui eventuais alterações.

Fones de ouvido homologados





Quiet Comfort 35 Stereo

USB e Bluetooth


Pro Stereo Headset UC150



BLZ 2400 II



Evolve 20 MS



Evolve 75

USB e Bluetooth


UC Voice 550a MS Mono



Everest Elite 750NC Stereo



Headset H390



Stereo H650e



LifeChat LX-3000



LifeChat LX-6000



Blackwire 320



Blackwire 3220 Series



Blackwire C220



Audio 628 USB



USBC Headset






Headset Pulse 7.1





Atualização: 11.06.2021

Regras de conduta para prevenção da COVID-19

Uso de Máscaras

Cobrindo a boca e o nariz. Usar o tempo todo.
Evitar tocar a boca, o nariz e os olhos.


Mínimo de 2 metros


Lavar frequentemente ou higienizar com álcool em gel.

Etiqueta Respiratória

Ao espirrar ou tossir, proteger a boca e o nariz com o cotovelo, ou usar lenço descartável.


Se apresentar sintomas, ficar em casa e buscar atendimento médico.